I have not yet met anyone in my world travels who didn't want a little more inner peace. And, I have never encountered anyone who would trade a little money to rid themselves of their stress and worries.
So, is this what each of us is secretly or overtly searching for? Well, to be truthful I'm not sure. People who say they want less stress continue to pursue wealth, fame, power, position and more stuff. People who say they want to be happy often seem to sabotage this goal with poor choices, bad judgment and emotional immaturity. And people who say they want more inner peace still harbor old emotional baggage, replay old slights and hurts and let other people control their behaviors, attitudes, emotions and even their thoughts.
If we are truly searching for any or all the items listed above one would have to wonder whether we are just giving lip service to these goals, desires and dreams or if we really want them but just don't seem to know where to find them, how to achieve them or how to keep them.
I too have been guilty. I am just like you in that I would like a little more happiness and a little less stress yet when it comes to doing what is necessary I often fall short.
Sure, I have read all the books, hundreds and hundreds of them, attended the seminars, had personal coaches, spent hours and even weeks setting and planning my personal goals and dreams and spent more hours than I can remember praying and meditating and yet, here I sit from time to time, still questioning whether all this reading, study and searching is worthwhile.
During my years of study, research and searching I have come to a few conclusions.
1) Many of the people who supposedly have it figured out, don't.
2) Many of the people who preach and teach this stuff to others and get paid handsomely to do so, don't have a clue.
3) Some of the people who you would least expect to have the answers often do.
4) Even many of the religious fanatics, diehards or steadfast believers in God still struggle with the same issues, questions and challenges as those who have never set foot in a church or Synagogue or read the Bible.
Why is this? Are we doomed as a species to just search and never find or discover the true meaning of our life or as the title says, why we are we here?
Humans have been asking for centuries; why am I here, where am I going and what am I supposed to do with my life while I am here?
One could get easily discouraged and feeling a little sorry for themselves spending years contemplating simple questions like these.
Have you ever asked yourself any of these searching questions whether in times of doubt or discouragement or happiness and contentment? Success or failure?
Do you have any answers yet, or are you like most of us, that you just keep on trudging ahead through life one day at a time just earning, spending, working and playing?
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