Saturday, 8 April 2017

Your Life Is Waiting On You! When Are You Going To Show Up?

I first heard the phrase 'start before you're ready' from Marshawn Evans. I thought to myself she must be crazy. I can't start before I'm ready. Well I have to be honest. Marshawn was right. Once I got enough courage to do my own event, I thought to myself that I wish I would've started sooner.

Your Life Matters. Your life is waiting on you. Many of us are waiting for the perfect time to start our business, the perfect time to travel, the perfect time to move, the perfect time to buy a new car, the perfect opportunity, etc. While it makes sense to wait to do certain things so you don't appear to be completely irrational or illogical, the reality is that there's never going to be a perfect time. Perfection doesn't exist. Sometimes you just have to take a risk. You have to do something different. Yes, you should think things through and do your due diligence in terms of research and having some type of plan but once you've done that, at some point you're going to have to take a leap of faith. Your dreams need you. Even with a stellar business plan, for example, you may run into challenges. Life happens for all of us no matter how much we try to have our ducks in a row. It's life. You learn along the way. It's okay to make mistakes. You can use them as learning opportunities. I speak from experience as I've delayed taking action in my own life because I've felt like I wasn't ready, I had to be perfect or that I didn't have enough or wasn't as good as some other people in my industry. Steve Harvey is a comedian, television host, radio personality, actor, and author. Steve mentioned on his show that you have to jump. You'll never know if you can soar if you never jump. I agree. In other words, you don't know how amazing and incredible you can be if you never try, if never give yourself a chance. Every successful person had to start somewhere. It's easy to get caught up in thinking you have to have everything perfect when you see your competition or others in your field that may have a fancier website or high quality videos, for example. It can be discouraging. However, you must remember that they too had to start somewhere. Stop comparing yourself to others.

Everyone started out with an idea, a dream, a goal. They then got the crazy idea to actually pursue it. Something in them had to believe that it was possible so they started to take action. I guarantee if you ask any successful person if it was a nice and perfect road to success, all of them would say no. There were some twists and turns but they did not let that deter them. As they were on their journey to success, I'm sure there were people they came across that had better websites, better videos, more clients, better marketing, etc. and they may have felt like they weren't good enough. But they kept going and just got better along the way. That's all you have to do. What matters is your authenticity. You don't have to start out with the most expensive camera or the most expensive software. You start from where you are with what you have. It's enough. You can start with your iPhone. That's what I've done. What's important is to do what you can right now. Your life is waiting on you. Your dreams are waiting on you. Just get out there! If you focus on having everything perfect, you're likely to procrastinate and that will cause you not to move forward.

Your Dreams Matter. Your life matters. You matter. God has given all of us gifts and talents that we must share with the world. Your gift is what could save someone's life. Your talent is what could give someone hope. If you look at it from the perspective of the millions of people you're robbing by not sharing your gifts and talents then you wouldn't take it so lightly. It's not about you. You playing small is not benefiting anyone. Your gifts and talents were given to you so you could be a gift/blessing to others. Start before you're ready. Take the first step. Take action in the direction of your goals and dreams. The world needs you. Don't wait for the perfect time. Start from where you are with what you have. It's more than enough. Keep moving. As you grow, you'll get better. Your life is waiting on you. Don't delay. Tomorrow isn't promised.

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