Sunday, 4 December 2016

4 Components Towards Becoming A Better SELF

How can anyone become the best that he can be, unless and until he commits fully to enhancing his  or her personal persona? Whether one merely wants to take a true, objective, introspective look, or if he wants to perform to the peak of his potential, until one becomes ready, willing and able, to take an honest look at himself, it becomes nearly impossible to perform as well as possible. Far too often, many individuals proceed through life seeking to fool themselves into believing they were someone they were not! If you hope to become the best you can be, these four mnemonic components might help you become a better SELF.

1. The primary objective of maximizing potential is probably doing all we can to maximize our assets, so that we look at options from a position of strength rather than the far - more - often position of compromise and settling for good - enough! When we are strong, it permits us to focus on developing a systematic way to optimize performance. Combined with genuine and sympathetic mindset, we then become capable of developing the best strategy or strategic plan. When we look at things with confidence and expertise, we feel better about our-self because the experiences become far more satisfying.

2. While sympathy might be a genuine, needed emotion, we only grow as individuals when we utilize empathy. This means rather than merely feeling sorry for others (often after the fact), we get to better understand and appreciate their plans, priorities, preferences, and needs (in other words, we see things through their eyes). When we enhance our own education (not solely book - learning but actual expertise and development), everything we do becomes more enriching, which potentiates our energy, and thus produces our best efforts. Yet, it means we begin by committing to better knowing one's self.

3. Learning is the key to achievement. Only when we love what we do (and understand why we are doing it), are we willing to let others in, and thus objectively look deeper within ourselves.

4. Find your inner voice (and motivation), and then fully focus on what is most important and essential to you. Do you know how and what you truly feel? Then fight for your views, and become capable of freeing yourself from the obstacles and limitations created when you begin with pre - conceptions rather than open - mindedness.

How much impact and how good do you really want to be? When was the last time you took a genuine look within? Hopefully, using these four components will help you really, honestly, and objectively, know your SELF.

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